
27 June 2012

Applications are invited for Scooter & Computer Advance for the year 2012-13

Department Of Posts, India
O/o Superintendent of Pos, Namakkal Division, Namakkal-637002
No.L/MCA/Dlgs dated at Namakkal 637002 the 26.06.2012

  1. All the PMs/SPMs in Namakkal Division
  2. All SDIs/ASPOs/CI/ME in Namakkal Division.
  3. All OAs, DO, Namakkal.

             R.O letter no. BGT/5003883/2011-12 dated 25.06.2012 regarding grant of advance for purchase of Computer and Scooter for the year 2012-2013 is reproduced below for information and necessary action. Applications may be forwarded to this office through the HO concerned on or before 03.07.2012. The circular should be brought to the notice of all eligible officials, including those who are on leave/deputation, etc and their aquittance must be got in file.

Superintendent of POs,
            Namakkal Division,
                                                                                      Namakkal 637002.
Copy to:
All Service unions in Namakkal Division for information.

                                                                                                            Superintendent of Pos,
                                                                                                            Namakkal Division,

Sub: Application for the grant of advance for purchase of  Computer and
        Scooter for the year 2012-13 – reg

Applications are invited from the eligible officials for the grant of Computer Advance/Scooter Advance to the eligible officials for the year 2012-2013.

(1)   Eligibility:

1.      Computer Advance: Officials whose pay in the pay band is Rs.8560/- per month or above are eligible for the grant of Computer Advance not exceeding Rs.30,000/- or the anticipated price of the computer whichever is less. Preference will be given to the officials who are applying for the first time.

2.      Scooter Advance: Officials whose pay in the pay band is Rs.8560/- per month or above are eligible for grant of Motor Cycle/Scooter Advance upto a maximum of Rs.30,000/- for the first time and Rs.24,000/- for the second time. Similarly officials having pay in the pay band below Rs.8560/- per month are eligible for grant of advance for purchase of moped upto a maximum of Rs.20,000/-.

(2) Officers/Officials who are willing to avail this opportunity may give their application in the prescribed form along with proforma invoice/quotation, through their Head of Office (viz SSPOs/SPOs etc) so as to reach this office on or before 03.07.12.  Application forms may be supplied by the Divisional Offices.
     (3) The proforma invoice/quotation should clearly specify the anticipated price of the
·         Computer (excluding the amount of customs duty, accessories, etc.)
·         Vehicle (excluding the amount of insurance, Registration charges, life  
      tax,  accessories, etc.)
 Any application received without proforma invoice will summarily be rejected.  

(4) The computer/ vehicle specified in the Proforma /Quotation furnished with the application should only be purchased. If the same is not available, the computer/ vehicle with basic cost equal to or above the amount sanctioned should be purchased. Any other computer/ vehicle with lesser amount should not be purchased on any account. Otherwise they should face the risk of recovery of the entire amount of advance in one lump sum with penal interest from their salary. Therefore, the officials may be advised to declare the computer/ vehicle proposed to be purchased at the time of applying for advance and obtain the proforma invoice accordingly.

All the applications with the required proforma invoice duly  verified may be sent to this  
office by the Divisions along with the statement in  the proforma prescribed below,
separately for Computer Advance and Scooter Advance, so as to reach this  office on or
before 03.07.12Particulars should be furnished as per Cadre wise SENIORITY.  If
there is no application a Nil report may be sent . 

If the applications are not received from the Divisions/Units on or before 09.07.2011, it would be presumed that there is no application from the Division or Unit concerned for this year.

The Head of the Division/Unit may also please ensure that the particulars furnished in the
proforma Invoice in respect of each official is  correct while forwarding the  applications to
RO.  Application or Proforma Invoice with incomplete information will be rejected.

(5) Submission of documents of utilization of advance:

1.                     Computer Advance:  The Officers/Officials who will be sanctioned advance
are required to produce original cash receipt, Invoice bill and delivery receipt of the  
new computer within the period of 30 days from the date of receipt of advance.

2.         Scooter Advance:  The Officers/Officials who will be sanctioned advance are
                       required to produce original cash receipt and Invoice bill, delivery receipt, Xerox
                       copy of insurance and Registration Book/Certificate of the new vehicle within the
                       period of 30 days from the date of receipt of advance. It is seen in the previous years  
                       that some officials produce only advance cash receipts and do not produce invoice
                       bill issued at the time of taking delivery. The submission of invoice bill is
                       compulsory since the actual price of the vehicle can be known   only from the
                       invoice bill. This may please be ensured.
            (6) A second or subsequent advance for the purchase of Computer/ Scooter cannot be
            granted before the expiry of 3 years from the date of drawal of the earlier advance. Hence
            those applications need not be sent to RO.

            (7) The officials who have defaulted in the earlier occasions may be debarred from getting
            the advance for the   next five years. Details of officials who had been sanctioned with  
            advance on earlier occasions, ie before 3 years, but credited the amount under UCR
            unutilized should be shown separately.  Application received from those officials need not
            be sent to RO.
                                                                                  Accounts Officer (BGT)
                                                                                  For Postmaster General,
                                                                                  Western Region, TN,
                                                                                  Coimbatore 641002.

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